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"Our mission is to feed the homeless population of St Petersburg, FL, and provide essentials, including clothing, toiletries, and other needed support." 
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About Us

Hi. We’re Mimi and Jeff. We’ve been married over 14 years and living in St. Petersburg, FL, for nearly that long. Our connection to our adopted hometown has grown more personal over the past few years, in ways that have changed our lives, our marriage, personal friendships, and sense of purpose.

As a way to combat boredom during the 2020 Covid lockdown and see more of our beautiful city, we started walking. We met people asking for help - more with each walk. So, we started carrying backpacks full of sandwiches, snacks, and water. Sometimes, we brought extras: toiletries, blankets, clothes – whatever someone might need that we could get our hands on.

Soon, we’d met a group of “regulars” along the route we walked three to four nights a week. We learned their stories and favorite foods and looked forward to seeing them. Now, with housing prices skyrocketing and the cost of food and basic goods rising, we’re seeing newcomers, coming from across the country, telling various backstories. Everyone's hungry, and we do what we can to help.

Five years in, rain or shine, we’re still heading out on these walks several times a week. The people we meet continue to change us, and it’s hard to imagine life without them.

Thanks for learning a bit about our mission and the journey that’s changed us in many ways and is providing help at a time when so many people need it.

Co Founders

Jeff & Mimi

About Us

Hi. We’re Mimi and Jeff. We’ve been married over 14 years and living in St. Petersburg, FL, for nearly that long. Our connection to our adopted hometown has grown more personal over the past few years, in ways that have changed our lives, our marriage, personal friendships, and sense of purpose.

As a way to combat boredom during the 2020 Covid lockdown and see more of our beautiful city, we started walking. We met people asking for help - more with each walk. So, we started carrying backpacks full of sandwiches, snacks, and water. Sometimes, we brought extras: toiletries, blankets, clothes – whatever someone might need that we could get our hands on.

Soon, we’d met a group of “regulars” along the route we walked three to four nights a week. We learned their stories and favorite foods and looked forward to seeing them. Now, with housing prices skyrocketing and the cost of food and basic goods rising, we’re seeing newcomers, coming from across the country, telling various backstories. Everyone's hungry, and we do what we can to help.

Five years in, rain or shine, we’re still heading out on these walks several times a week. The people we meet continue to change us, and it’s hard to imagine life without them.

Thanks for learning a bit about our mission and the journey that’s changed us in many ways and is providing help at a time when so many people need it.

Co Founders

Jeff & Mimi
10 Things we've learned:

1. Everyone deserves to eat, regardless of why they're hungry.
2. All it takes to be popular is a chicken salad sandwich.
3. Fresh apples and nuts aren’t so great when you don’t have access to dental care.
4. Everyone is someone's son or daughter, and fathers, mothers, and grandparents end up homeless, too.
5. They are the forgotten, and some want nothing more than a few moments of human kindness.
6. Whether it be a book or an unopened bag of chips, people with next to nothing love giving, too.
7. Most are great conversationalist and love to talk sports, laugh and gossip. Just like the rest of us.
8. Always have the latest weather forecast at the ready.
9. They become your friends, and it’s heartbreaking when you lose one.
10. Come with an open mind and open heart. These diverse and interesting people all have their own story


10 Things we've learned:

  • 1. Everyone deserves to eat, regardless of why they're hungry.
  • 2. All it takes to be popular is a chicken salad sandwich.
  • 3. Fresh apples and nuts aren’t so great when you don’t have access to dental care.
  • 4. Everyone is someone's son or daughter, and fathers, mothers, and grandparents end up homeless, too.
  • 5 They are the forgotten, and some want nothing more than a few moments of human kindness.
  • 6. Whether it be a book or an unopened bag of chips, people with next to nothing love giving, too.
  • 7. Most are great conversationalist and love to talk sports, laugh and gossip. Just like the rest of us.
  • 8. Always have the latest weather forecast at the ready.
  • 9. They become your friends, and it’s heartbreaking when you lose one.
10. Come with an open mind and open heart. These diverse and interesting people all have their own story.

How You Can Help 
Follow us on Facebook to get updates and share the journey. It's also a great place to show your support and help your community by donating to the cause.
Your donations help us buy food, clothing, toiletries, and other essentials. You can make a secure donation via PayPal by pressing the link above.
Your donations help us buy food, clothing, toiletries, and other essentials. You can make a secure donation via Venmo by pressing the link above.
We are a registered 501(c)(3) organization. All donations are tax-deductible.
EIN: 86-2289823
St. Petersburg, FL, USA
St. Petersburg, FL, USA